Pharmacy ethics

Improving pharmacy practice in relation to complementary medicines: a qualitative study evaluating the acceptability and feasibility of a new ethical framework in Australia

This study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of the ethical framework we developed for determing pharmacist responsibilities when selling complementary medicines

An ethical framework for the responsibilities of pharmacists when selling complementary medicines

An ethical framework outlining pharmacist responsibilities when selling complementary medicines

Hospital pharmacists' ethical exposure and decision-making: A qualitative study

Background: Studies have explored community pharmacy ethical dilemmas; however, limited research exists on hospital pharmacy ethical issues and pharmacists' ethical decision-making processes. Research exploring this is timely, considering …

Pharmacists' perceived responsibility for patient care when there is a risk of misadventure: a qualitative study

Objective. To investigate how community pharmacists view their responsibility for patient care in a scenario involving opioid use with significant risk of toxic- ity or misadventure. Methods. A case scenario was developed based on an Australian …

Pharmacist responsibilities when selling complementary medicines

Introduction. There is a need for clearer guidance for pharmacists regarding their responsibilities when selling complementary medicines. The investigators have developed an ethical framework that proposes five responsibilities for pharmacists …

Pharmacy ethics and complementary medicines

Evaluating pharmacist responsibilities when selling complementary medicines

Expectations and responsibilities regarding the sale of complementary medicines in pharmacies: perspectives of consumers and pharmacy support staff

BACKGROUND: Most sales of complementary medicines within pharmacies are conducted by pharmacy support staff. The absence of rigorous evidence for the effectiveness of many complementary medicines raises a number of ethical questions regarding the …

A problem for achieving informed consent